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Manage Advisors and Chapter Officers

If the new Chapter Advisor was inducted into Sigma Tau Delta or served as a Chapter Advisor at another school, contact the Central Office to request a membership transfer. Please include his/her full name at induction, original chapter school, and the approximate year of induction. If the new Chapter Advisor is new to Sigma Tau Delta, use the enrollment process below.

Add an Advisor

Before a Chapter Advisor is added, the Chapter Advisor must first be enrolled as a Faculty Advisor member.

  1. Please follow directions for enrolling new members. When entering member details, make sure that Faculty Advisor is selected in the Membership Type field.
  2. When you have completed the required member details, scroll to the bottom of the screen. Click Save & Review Pending Members, then Complete Enrollment.
  3. Check the person you wish to make a Faculty Advisor and click Select Payment Method. The payment amount will be $0 because the one-time international induction fee is waived for faculty members who serve as Chapter Advisor.
  4. Click Submit Membership Enrollment.
  5. Select Print to keep a copy for your records and Exit to leave the system.
  6. Write Away will notify the Central Office that a new Advisor has been added for your chapter. The Central Office will activate your new Advisor, issue a Write Away username, and send a welcome email and information packet. 

Lead Advisor

Each chapter is required to have one designated Lead Advisor. The Lead Advisor is the chapter's primary contact for the Central Office regarding membership, the Chapter Annual Report, UPS shipments, and all USPS mail. Each chapter is required to designate one Advisor as the Lead Advisor. 

A Lead Advisor cannot be changed to inactive status until another Advisor is designated Lead Advisor.  The Lead Advisor designation may be changed by editing Advisor Information as shown in the following section.

Edit Advisor Information 

To edit Advisor Title, Phone Number, and Address:

  1. Select Manage Members.
  2. Select the Advisor's name. This will take you to Member Details.
  3. Enter new information, such as a new Email Address.
  4. After changes have been made select Save at the end of the page.

These changes will be reflected in the chapter directory. If the Chapter Advisor's name needs to be changed or corrected, please contact the Central Office.

Deleting an Advisor

  1. Select Chapter Advisors.
    From the list of Advisors, check Remove next to the Advisor's name.
  2. Note: Every active chapter must have at least one Chapter Advisor. This system will not permit the deletion of the last Advisor.
  3. The Advisor that has been removed will remain a chapter member. The Chapter Administrator may elect to keep the former Advisor active or inactive. Read how to edit member details.

Managing Chapter Officers

Write Away has a built-in database for chapter officers. The database will keep a listing of all active chapter officers, as well as former chapter officers, including their term in office.

Since only chapter officers listed in the database are sent our monthly broadcast eNews, please be diligent about maintaining your chapter officer database.

Add Chapter Officers

  1. All chapter officers must be enrolled as active student members. Before selecting a chapter officer, verify the student is active and all member details are correct. Read how to edit member details.
  2. Login to Write Away 
  3. Under Available Functions select Chapter Administration.
  4. Select the Chapter Officers tab. Please make sure this page loads completely before proceeding.
  5. You will see a link labeled Add New Officer.
  6. Search members by typing the first or last name.
  7. Click on Select next to the member's name. This will bring up member details. Complete the following selections: Office Title, Year Elected, and Semester Elected.
  8. Select Add.

Change a Chapter Officer's Email Address

To change a chapter officer's email address, you must edit the email address located under the Manage Members tab. See Edit Member Information.